艺术 / 工艺玩具 / DIY玩具

  • 怡高安迪(香港)有限公司

    怡高安迪(香港)有限公司成立于1991年,专业设计和制造STEM 益智玩具,包括 AR 恐龙博物馆、医疗仪器套装、电子运动传感器、太阳能过山车、液压起重机和趣味数学游戏集等。该公司将其产品设计分为 4 个类别——STEM(科学、科技、工程、数学),数理游戏套装属于“M”数学类别,而教孩子水能理论的液压起重机则属于“E”工程类别。

    怡高安迪拥有超过三十年的益智玩具制作经验和一群别具创意的产品设计师团队,专门从事 STEM 玩具的设计,因此该公司的STEM玩具产品具有超卓的教育价值,使其产品在STEM玩具市场领先一筹。

    公司生产了林林总总的天文及科技玩具,例如望远镜、双筒望远镜、显微镜和电子套件等500多样产品,销往全球 110 多个国家和地区。厂房各项生产设备已达到国际标准,通过了ICTI、ISO9001 和 获得SA8000 证书,怡高安迪信诚、坚持和遵从严格的法规,确保产品质量达致最高标准,且有信心为不同的OEM项目提供开发、设计、组合等技术支持,为顾客提供完美的OEM解决方案。

  • 创曦玩具有限公司

    创曦玩具有限公司成立于 1994 年,在制造优质泥胶玩具方面积累了丰富的经验,其总部设于香港,生产设施则设于中国大陆,为客户提供有效及具成本效益的服务,在开发产品方面别有新意。公司宗旨是以具竞争力的价格为全球客户提供最优质的产品和最致诚的服务。

    作为严守产品质量的专业泥胶玩具制造商,我们拥有自己的内部实验室进行微生物测试,进行严格检验。我们的产品符合欧美安全标准,包括EN-71 Part 1-3 & Part 9、镉含量、ASTM F963-03、LHAMA、TRA.、USP<51>、USP<61> 等。此外,我们的产品还通过了日本ST玩具安全标准与认证,为消费者提供额外的安全保障。



  • Wellmax Trading Ltd.

    Wellmax Trading Ltd is proud to provide you with our full range product catalogues.

    Wellmax Trading Ltd is a worldwide exporter of general merchandise and toys. Our expertise encompasses over a decade of providing all levels of the importing industry with fast selling high profit items.

    Wellmax currently sells thousands of products consisting of over thirty-five different categories such as houseware, stationery, seasonal items and various toy items. 

    Wellmax's professional sales and support staffs will assist you in services such as OEM program and product development. Our modern experience permits us to serve you globally in a timely and cost effective manner.

    We look forward to serving your future order needs by committing to consistently offer you the best merchandise selections at the most cost efficient pricing in the industry.

    Wellmax Trading is your one stop merchandise source.

  • 国际玩具贸易有限公司



  • 健氏(香港)有限公司


  • 捷达胶贴有限公司

    Advance Label Limited was established in 1967. We specialize in printing adhesive labels and paper products for toys, food, household products, electrical appliances, consumer and promotional goods. With over 50 years of development, we are one of the leading label printing manufacturers in Asia and we offer a wide selection of over 500 types of paper cards, plastic films, and adhesive labels.

    Our China factory is equipped with more than 500 machines that cover the entire spectrum of printing services from design to assembling. We also have our own laboratory which is HOKLAS certified.

    Through continuous investment in new technology, we are committed to meet the marketing demand for product diversity, international quality and safety standards from raw materials during production processes, through to final delivery.
    We offer one-stop service including consultation, tailor-made design, printing and packaging. For more customized services, please contact us.

  • 鹏利纸品有限公司


    鹏利非常重视为儿童提供优质的学习材料,秉持着让孩子「笑着进步」的宗旨,我们创造了教学玩具品牌“Learning Kitds”。“Learning Kitds”是一个高档次的儿童玩乐教材品牌,名字中的 “Kitds” 是由两个字 “Kits” 和 “Kids” 组成,意指 “教材” 和 “孩子们” ,符合我们的理念——为孩子们提供优质的学习教材。透过欧洲专业设计师设精心设计的游戏,孩子们能够在轻松快乐、毫无压力的心情下,提升国际儿童发展的六大学习元素的能力:数学、艺术、文化、认知、科学及物理。每款游戏在六大元素中,各有侧重,启发孩子们脑部不同方面的发展。

    Learning Kitds建立了自己的生产工厂,采用严格的质量控制,同时我们亦注重环境保育,教材纸料都符合 FSC 森林认证,产品均符合欧盟的安全标准,是家长的不二之选。

  • 香港汇贤有限公司

    SmartZone takes pride in its new line of “SMART” products. The company offers superior quality toys and household items with “SMART” concepts and pricing. Having strong research and development capabilities that can provide full product development support to buyers, SmartZone strives to cater to its customers’ personalized needs.

    As a manufacturer, SmartZone is able to provide its own fully developed lines of toys and house wares as well as zooming in on designs that meet its customer’s specific needs. The company is also happy to make customized products!

    SmartZone cares about its products. Its quality and safety Assurance Team is involved in every phase of product development and it follows the whole manufacturing process. Through its in-house and external laboratory testing, the company has strong commitment to quality and safety, and it strives to ensure that its products meet the quality requirements of its clients.

  • 雅趣制品有限公司


    我们是以经营出口为主的公司,已有50多年的历史,主要生产儿童益智DIY手工玩具,集开发,设计,生产,营销于一体。本公司视玩具安全性为第一考虑,因此所有产品皆进行了测试,亦获得了ISO-9001国际质量认证;欧洲EN71, 美国ASTM D-4236和F-963,CPSIA,以及中国3C等国际安全认证。本公司亦荣获高新技术企业的美誉及拥有多个产品专利,证明了我们产品的原创性。

    卡乐淘——本公司拥有的知名益智玩具品牌,其产品远销欧美30多个国家。买家可在中国玩具反斗城、Sam ’s Club、哈姆雷斯玩具连锁店(Hamleys Toy Chain Store)、香港科学馆、香港的书店,以及各大商场找到我们的销售点。
