Everite Transworld Limited

Everite Transworld Limited, is established in the 1970’s, specializing in designing and manufacturing a variety of toys, novelties and promotional premiums. Since 1970, we own more than 70 design patents of toys and novelties. One of our signature items is sticky toys which we own the patent of the materials, which can be applied to many different toy applications. Our experienced and professional team also offers one-stop service starting from product development, quality control, manufacture from conceptual ideas to delivery. Insist “Design and Made by Hong Kong”.
One of the popular and significant toy products, Ming The Minibus, an originally created cartoon of Hong Kong that serves as a signature icon of this city, is also designed and manufactured by us. The 52-episode cartoon is broadcasted in Hong Kong TV channel and distributed to many regions including Los Angeles of the United States, Korea, Malaysia, airline etc. Besides cartoons, children can find Ming magazines and DVDs as well as Ming The Minibus themed indoor playground which has an area of 12000 square feet and a harbor view and is currently one of the largest indoor theme playground in Hong Kong.
We own a lot of patent items, among which a recent and remarkable one is Rocket Wheels. Rocket Wheels Speed Pipes is the first-ever remote-controlled toy with vehicles speeding through pipes instead of on top of tracks, making it stand out among the diversified wheel car market. This product is the finalist of specialty items of Toy of The Year Award (TOTY) in 2017.
After a decade of product revolution, we kept enhancing the player’s experience and created CLiONE, a new series of Wall Climbing Toys. It has some new features added in by our designer, making its hands and feet swing together when sliding off. With originality and innovation, we own the patent of the adhesive materials used in the product.
Awards and Qualifications
Everite Transworld Ltd’s products are created with groundbreaking ideas and excellent quality. Our production facilities help in plastic molding, fabric sewing and are of electronic assembly capabilities with reliable quality assurance. Our manufacturing facilities comply with international certificates including:

• International Organization for Standardization 9000 – Management system.
• International Organization for Standardization 14001 – Environmental Management system.
• Good Manufacturing Practice – Candy toys packaging
• Electronic Components Certification Board : QC08000
• Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18000
Everite Transworld Limited always strives to provide top-notch products and outstanding services to fulfill the needs of our customers. We express our great sincerity in developing long-term relationships with different companies and prospective buyers.
Please contact us for exclusive offers.



我们是以经营出口为主的公司,已有50多年的历史,主要生产儿童益智DIY手工玩具,集开发,设计,生产,营销于一体。本公司视玩具安全性为第一考虑,因此所有产品皆进行了测试,亦获得了ISO-9001国际质量认证;欧洲EN71, 美国ASTM D-4236和F-963,CPSIA,以及中国3C等国际安全认证。本公司亦荣获高新技术企业的美誉及拥有多个产品专利,证明了我们产品的原创性。
卡乐淘——本公司拥有的知名益智玩具品牌,其产品远销欧美30多个国家。买家可在中国玩具反斗城、Sam ’s Club、哈姆雷斯玩具连锁店(Hamleys Toy Chain Store)、香港科学馆、香港的书店,以及各大商场找到我们的销售点。
